Thursday, October 14, 2010

Giveaway! With chocoloate!

(still time to link up to Saturday's Party.  See Post HERE.)
Do you need some chocolate in your life? 

Yeah, I know, I really got you with the word chocolate.  Who can resist a giveaway that involves chocolate?  When I had the change to share these with you, I jumped all over it.

My Blog Spark, and Pillsbury have offered me a great package to treat youSo could you use a little more 'ME' time?  I know I sure could.. . . .Now you can take a few moments and indulge yourself with these new treats from Pillsbury.  Sweet Moments.  You can find them in the refrigerated section of your grocery store.  

The Bite-Size Brownies are layered with either rich caramel or fudge, then wrapped in a chocolaty coating are perfect for the moments when you're banging your head against the wall and just need a quick chocolate fix.  They´re ready to eat! Just pop them out of the bag.  

And when you come home to find your dog has shredded your door mat? (I confess, this happened to me last week. . .) you can try the Molten Lava Brownies.  They are served in single-serve bowls and are also available in rich caramel and fudge varieties. Covered in decadent chocolate or creamy caramel and topped with a chocolatey drizzle you can't go wrong! AND after only 15 seconds in the microwave, the brownie bowls are warm and ready to enjoy.  FIFTEEN seconds!!  That's some quick chocolate friends. 

Now, while I can only give away this prize pack to one person, Pillsbury has so generously offered a coupon to EVERYONE.   Go check out their facebook page, and pick yourself up a coupon, and then. . .share it with your facebook friends!!  I shared it with my sister, who is getting married on saturday.  She could really use some me time right now.    Or you can go to their webpage and get the coupons and share with your friends via email.  But hurry!  This will only go through October, so spread the love!

And in case you couldn't see that first picture. . .those coupons say FREE.  You can pick up one package of each to try!  
BUT WAIT!  There's more. 

Not only do you get 2 coupons for free chocolate, Pillsbury is also throwing in a t-shirt, a necklace, AND magnets.  I don't think ANYONE can have enough magnets.  

Now, you're wondering, "Krystal, how do I get a chance to WIN this great prize pack?"  and I will tell you.  Leave a comment telling me what you like to do when you get a moment of "me time".  Do you go for a run?  Take a nap? A nice hot shower? 

1 entry per person.  If you win, you must have a way for me to contact you (which will be within 24hours of the giveaway closing).  If I don't get the needed information in a timely manner (like 2-3 days at the most) then I will pick another winner.  
Giveaway closes on Wednesday, October 20th at midnight.  Any comments received after that will not count.  

(I have not been compensated in anyway for this giveaway, other than the same prize package being given away through Blogspark from Pillsbury.  My love for chocolate, and desire to share chocolate with others is my own.)



  1. You should pick me just because I am the first to comment! :) I think you posted the go for a run just for me, because that probably is the best me time I runs. Although sitting around the house and enjoying chocolate would be a good one also! ;)

  2. When I lived by the ocean my me time was taking a walk along the cliffs and listening to the waves crash upon that I have to kids and would just love some me time when I do get it I just enjoy the peace and quiet and veg!

  3. ooo chocolate. I like to float in the tub for me time :)

  4. My me time is usually spent reading. I love chocolate! These brownies sound delicious!

  5. My me time involves shopping and chocolate ice cream! Free chocolate would definitely make it 100 times better ;)

  6. In my "me time," I like to get all crafty and make things!

  7. When I finally have the chance to get out of my car that I basically spend my entire life in, I like to jump in a pool and swim. Swimming is my favorite thing to do to clear my head there is nothing that calms me more and gives me clarity and energy like feeling the water flow past me.

  8. I like to get a cup of coffee and read a page or two of a good book.

  9. "Me" time? I LOVE to walk around the fabric store and look at ALL of the fabric and think about all the things I could make. And then.....and then I pick one thing and buy the fabric and notions. It's so relaxing. Ahhh.

  10. Me time is getting to go shopping all by myself - no kids in the cart or running up and down the aisles.

  11. I like to read blog and enter giveaway during my me time!

    couponboss at gmail dot com

  12. Please pick me! This giveaway looks wonderful. And chocolate is always a good thing. I would wear my love of chocolate. Happily.

  13. 'I love to run it makes me smile, I think I'll run another mile!' and of course bring home chocolate to eat and share with you of course too. :]

  14. I love to take a bath, with lovely salts in the water.

    urchiken at gmail dot com

  15. i like to get lost in a good book :)

  16. I love to browse the internet and find cute new projects or a great new recipe.

  17. Oh me time. I usually like to take a hot shower. Most of the time it is catching up on DVR'd shows like Smallville!!

  18. Me time what's that, OH I do remember, I think the only me time I get is in the shower, sometimes, always someone asking are you done, can I come in, or a dog barking to come in.

  19. Yum chocolate!!! I could sure use some me time. I might have to hide in the closet with the door closed and hope the kids don't find me. Your blog is awesome and you have some yummy looking recipes. I am going to have to try to make some.

    Jenni Spencer Lawrence

  20. mmm chocolate! my me time includes either an evening at the dance studio dancing to my favorite songs and visiting with friends, or cuddled up on the couch with some cherry garcia ice cream and a good movie :)

  21. Me time? Anything by myself is good me time, even grocery shopping. And I have places to stash chocolate for when I need a chocolate fix.

  22. I like to take a long bath!

    six_one_nine_girlie86 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  23. I like to take a nap or head over to a friends house for a bit!

    fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com

  24. Hot bubble bath and a good book :)

  25. Yummy!!! =D I would really like to have one with my coffee right now!

  26. Mmmmm...chocolate! I would love to be entered. Thanks

    giveawaymommy at

  27. A hot shower is all I need sometimes, so I'll "force" the me-time in when I can in the form of showering. It's so relaxing and quiet, and yet, I'm still technically getting something done by bathing, hehe.

  28. I am entering because I want the chocolate. *drool*

    Pick me! Pick me!


  29. I read, usually in the tub.

    steffanie771 at hotmail dot com

  30. When I get free time, I like to read, read, read!

    skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net
