Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Egg Salad Sandwiches


Well, after making my deviled eggs the other day, the plate was full and I had left over hard boiled eggs! So I made up a batch of egg salad for sandwiches. I just discovered this meal about a year ago. Before then, my palate wasn't as um, refined as it is now. Meaning, I wouldn't dare eat something new. Because it's still not very 'refined'.

So after you make the amount of deviled eggs that you want, take a few extra hard boiled eggs and cut them up.

I got this handy-dandy egg slicer at Ikea for like 2 bucks! Love me a good deal! :)

go ahead and use the same bowl you mixed the egg yolks from the deviled eggs in. Because this egg salad is pretty much mashed up deviled eggs.

so yes, add your ranch, mustard, cheese, and salt and pepper. I love the dijon in this, since I'm the only one who will eat it anyway. Captain Jax won't touch dijon.

Mix it all together nicely. Yum, yum, yum. Taste it to make sure you like it! :)

Smear it on some toasted bread, and put guacamole on the other side.

  • hard boiled eggs
  • mustard
  • ranch
  • shredded cheese
  • guacamole
  • toasted bread

Mash eggs and mix the mustard, ranch and cheese into them. Smear on one side of toasted bread, and smear guacamole on the other side. Eat and enjoy.


  1. Guacamole! Never would have thought to do that but good idea!!

  2. Okay, when I make guacamole I am going to make boiled eggs just to try this combination!

  3. I love egg salad sandwiches. I hadn't thought of guacamole either but sounds good to me. I like to put sweet pickles in mine sometimes. Looking at this made me want to mix up a batch.


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