Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'm still here

No, I have not disappeared, I promise. Let me tell you what's been going on. W-A-Y too much, that's for sure. During the last week in January, my water broke. I was 23 weeks pregnant. I didn't realize it was my water though, and kind of brushed it aside for a week. At 24weeks, I finally met with my midwife, who did an ultrasound and turned me over to the OB's in the office, telling me that I was being admitted to the hospital because my baby had no fluid left.

yes, that was almost 2 months ago. Long story short, I spent 5 weeks in the hospital on bedrest, until our little guy decided it was time to come. He was born at 29 weeks on March 12, and is currently in the NICU while we wait for him to grow more. He was just under 3lbs when he was born. He'll probably be there until the end of May, which was his original due date.

I don't normally show pictures of myself or my kids, but here's a picture of us at the hospital, myself, Captain Jax, and baby M.

so I won't be around very much for a while longer. Here and there, as I do have some recipes mostly ready to post (kind of--the pictures are at our house, and I'm not there, but Captain jax is supposed to copy them to the hard drive and bring them to me).

Anyway, it's been a long 2 months for me. I've missed cooking and blogging. I've been eating hospital food!! I'm staying at my parents, who are closer to the hospital, so I still won't be cooking very much, but I WILL be back.

at some point. . . .until then, eat sometime tasty for me will you? :)


  1. Saying prayers for you and your family! I'm miss your recipes so hurry back when you get a chance!

  2. Congratulations for the new arrival! Take care! Saying prayers for you and your family! XO

  3. Hoping all is well for you and your little family! Don't worry about us, we will still be here.

  4. I pray your new bundle of joy continues to grow and get stronger.

  5. Isn't modern medicine wonderful? My daughter was born at 28 weeks - weighed 2 pounds. She's now 28. It'll seem like forever that you're going to the hospital all the time to see the baby; in a year or two it will all be just a scary dream. Hang in there; touch him and talk to him as much as you can. Best wishes.

  6. i just found your blog and wanted to say congrats on your new little guy! he's so precious and makes me so excited for ours--who is also due at the end of may. :) hope you're home and cooking all kinds of comfort food around that time. ;) best wishes!

  7. What an ordeal for you and your husband and baby! Thank you so much for sharing your story with us, and you are all in my prayers.

    - Molly

  8. Goodness! I bet is HAS been a long 2 months. Well, I'm so glad that you are okay and you, Captain Jax and Baby M all look healthy and happy - I'm sure that Baby M will be coming home before you know it. Congratulations!!

  9. Oh my goodness! Many prayers to you and your beautiful baby M.!!

  10. Congratulations, what a beautiful baby and family, so happy to have found your blog today :) I will be sticking around :) Hope the baby is fine and you can get home quick :) Carmen


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